Saturday, March 26, 2011

Earth Day - too big to be confined to a day

Earth Day is generally celebrated on April 22. Its birth was in 1970. But it has also been celebrated on the day of the spring equinox, around March 20-21, and in Canada on September 11th. Now we have part of Earth Day, namely Earth Hour, today, March 26th.

1 comment:

James R said...

I feel so dirty commenting on my own post, but I wanted to check-in and say we had a wonder time celebrating Earth Hour. We didn't "all come together" but mom, Dan, myself and Peter and Lisa's family did send a "powerful message." Mostly that message was shouted from the front stoop by René, Francis and Michael, yelling at the brightly lit neighbors that it was Earth Hour. We "made our world a better place" by playing a few rousing games of Murder in the electricity challenged house. Everyone had a good time except mom who refused to believe anyone in the world except us would be crazy enough to turn their lights out.