Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Sergio Mendes 40 Years Later

Back when I was in junior high, one the the older boys (Bill, perhaps?) discovered a group called Sergio Mendes and Brazil 66. This was not music that any kid was listening to: it was sort of a Latin jazz-Latin pop-lounge music-soft rock kind of band -- you know what I'm saying. I'm not sure quite what the attraction was, but for a brief yet intensive period I spent a good part of my time deepening the grooves in their one vinyl album that we owned. In case you're wondering whatever happened to Sergio Mendes, well, he's still making music (up to 35 albums now) in a variety of musical incarnations. Quite by chance, I ran across the music video below, from a CD released in 2006. I think Sergio is the guy on the triangle.

Note: check out crazy dancer in the skeleton outfit.

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