Monday, May 9, 2011

Inception performed and explained by… The Finder

Please expand to full screen once the movie starts.

INCEPTION_FOLDER from chris baker on Vimeo.


Big Myk said...

Sorry, I'm not getting this.

James R said...

Did you expand to full screen, as requested?

Big Myk said...

Indeed I did. It didn't help.

James R said...

Well, it's not deeply insightful or complex. It's just who's in who's dream, or limbo as the case may be—presented in a hierarchical way. Perhaps I'm being simple minded, but I thought it was clever in a simple way.

James R said...

That second "who's" should be a "whose."

Big Myk said...

Well, I guess I should have mentioned that I've yet to see Inception.