Monday, November 17, 2014


Many of the better quality blogs are touting the relatively new show by This American Life, called Serial. If In Progress is not in the "better quality" realm, then it is probably I who is dragging it down. As reparations,  I'll recommend the show. Be sure to start with episode 1.


Big Myk said...

Is Serial better than Shakespeare? Why I’m teaching Serial instead of Shakespeare.

James R said...

First, well done clever reference to "The Simpsons versus Shakespeare" and the ongoing discussion. But then I wondered what the heck is the second sentence about teaching Serial instead of Shakespeare? I like Serial, but honestly I didn't think some of the episodes were particularly well written, especially to the This American Life standard. A day later I noticed the link.

Michael Godsey is one heck of an English teacher and is teaching Serial for, what apparently looks like, all the right reasons. I love that article. I suspect that the students will learn more humanities' wisdom from "Serial" than from "Hamlet."

As far as which is better:
"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so" — Shakespeare (before Existentialism)