Friday, June 18, 2010

Fourth of July Pandering

A lot of people like to co-opt our founding fathers, but I think this might be the most shameless attempt yet. I want more commercials like this.


James R said...

Wasn't this the commercial that sponsored the TV showing of "Roger and Me"?

Big Myk said...

Here, we have just another example of the alternative history narrative, where the author poses the "what if" question. Like, what if Charles Lindberg had been elected president in 1940 and America ended up joining the axis powers. Or, what if the supercarrier USS Nimitz had been mysteriously sent through a time portal and ended up off the coast of Hawaii just before the attack on Pearl Harbor. Or, what if General Lee's army had been equipped with M-16 rifles at the Battle of Gettysburg. The author of this ad simply asks what if some remote Dodge Dealership fell through a wormhole only to emerge in 1776 and was able to supply the colonial army with a bunch of Dodge Challengers during the revolutionary war.

Peter H of Lebo said...

To Myk's point, the author didn't try to be historical accurate in this commercial's alternate history, if he/she had, the American car would have been more like the Delorean in Back to the Future 3, fuel line would mysteriously leak, tires would pop and the engine die and George W. shot, ending with the British Flag over Philly. A true testament to American cars.

The Tagline, "Aren't you glad we decided to produce shitty cars after we became a World Power"