Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Response to Why Your Political Opponents Are Crazy

Because videos can't be placed in comments I had to make a new post.
Richard Feynman collaborates and extends Gary Gutting's thoughts about people having predisposed pictures. The coincidence was too great not to share. The relevant part is about 1/3 into the video.

1 comment:

Big Myk said...

I think Feynman is saying something a little different from Gutting, however, closely related. Feynman suggests that people are hard-wired to think differently. He's almost talking about biology. He's not really talking about the pictures people have as the result of their own unique experience. Your hard wiring probably can't be changed, but pictures can change as experiences accumulate.

Back in the fifties, economist Kenneth Boulding wrote a book called The Image. "The image" referred to one's worldview, one's sense of being located in space and time, and in the web of human relations. It is images, rather than knowledge which, according to Boulding, govern human behavior.

Boulding says that The image is built up as a result of all past experiences of the possessor of the image and is essentially arbitrary. I can't help wondering if Gutting was familiar with Boulding