Thursday, March 8, 2012

The B.S. Report

A few things on this video:

I discovered this video by looking up the source of Jim's "Smacketology" image. It turns out to be from a website called Grantland, editied by ESPN's most popular sportswriter, Bill Simmons. I guess that I should know Simmons, but I don't (not until just recently). You learn something new everyday.

But, having watched the video, I can see why the guy is popular. He's incredibly entertaining, and is somehow able to engage in conversation with the leader of the free world, as if he's some guy down at the gym.

Obama himself is pretty engaging. Which of the Republican candidates could be so savvy about sports and speak about them so intelligently?

This is but the first of several videos. To watch them all tune to
B.S. Report: Barack Obama

And Simmons does get around to asking the Smacketology question of Obama. When asked who is the greatest Wire character of all time, the Commander in Chief didn't hesitate: "It's gotta be Omar, right? I mean, that guy is unbelievable, right?"


James R said...

Unfortunately, as others have pointed out and Dave Simon freely admits, Omar was the one mythic character in the otherwise realistic series. Obama seems to have a realistic approach, but apparently there is a fantasy streak in him as well.

Big Myk said...

Obama says, does he not, that "that guy [Omar] is unbelievable."

By the way, I've never seen a single episode of the Wire. Is this something I need to order from Netflix?

James R said...

Yes. 'Need' is the operative word.

James R said...

A word of caution, however. You may want to ration your viewing. For quite a while the only thing that allowed James to look yearning forward to the rest of his life (this was pre Allie) was that he still had not seen the last season of "The Wire".