Friday, June 17, 2011

No Split Ends and Other Stories

I knew Alma Steinman since the fifth grade. She married Charlie Young, John's roommate. The Young's had a great aunt, Aunt Sophie who lived with them. In those days everyone had a grandmother, an aunt or someone who lived with them. You never sent anyone to a nursing home. The Young's had a full-time nurse who took care of Aunt Sophie. She was a little crazy. I never saw her. She thought men were climbing up trying to get in through her window.

We had a group of girls and we called ourselves the "Eight Belles". We would go to Gruning's* after school and have a tuna fish sandwich and a hot fudge sundae. We would go 'halfsies' so our half of tuna fish sandwich and hot fudge sundae would cost us each 15¢. It's a wonder we weren't all as big as a house.

On Friday nights we would go to the movies. Then we would go back to someone's house to eat. I remember going to Alice Mamaux' house. Her dad, Al Mamaux**, was a professional baseball player. I don't know who he played for—maybe the Yankees. Her grandmother made the best food. At the movies, no one wanted to sit on the end. We would all fight to get in the middle. Oh, we were so silly.

*Mother is not the only one who has fond memories of Gruning's. See here and here. I should get her to post some memories.

**I always assumed Al Mamaux was a minor league player. Now I am flabbergasted at both the record and the coincidences.

1 comment:

Big Myk said...

Grunning's! How many times did Mom talk about this place? Now, it turns out everybody remembers it.

By the way, for Harry Potter fan's, Grunnings is also the name of the firm (Grunnings Drill Firm) where Vernon Dursley works with his desk facing away from the window.